E-learning in the process of on-boarding new employees

The process of onboarding a new employee is vital for the functioning of the entire organization.
E-learning in the process of on-boarding new employees

The way and speed of performing duties by new employees affect the productivity of other people in the company. That is mostly because some positions often require partial or even complete cooperation with others.

In the case of medium and large companies, the management board does not have the ability to personally introduce all employees, or to communicate their plans and motivations.

There are often hundreds or even thousands of employees.

The optimal solution is to use a well-thought-out and properly designed system for introducing new employees. So, how to support the on-boarding process?

As the recent times have shown, e-learning has been the most effective tool. It allows you to quickly welcome and introduce a new employee, regardless of time and location. You can introduce even a large group of people at once, without the direct participation of the management board or managers of the relevant departments.

E-learning in the onboarding of new employees

Properly prepared courses help to quickly introduce new employees to the work mode. The training materials will enable efficient presentation of:

  • the most important rules of the company,
  • nature of work and position,
  • capabilities and responsibilities of each employee.

Effective training on the most important work conditions allows a newly employed person to be productive almost from the first day of work.

It is worth emphasizing that the opinion about a given company rooted in the minds of its employees, is also a way to build a brand. This is a special type of promotion, especially in the case of large companies, where a significant number of employees can share their opinion about the employer with others. Among other things, this is why it is necessary to “instil” the proper perception of the organization from the very beginning.

This can be achieved through e-learning system. Graphically and contentually attractive materials will help in the transmission of substantive content. They will also make it easier to assimilate the values and goals. Courses aim to create the expected image of the company.

On the other hand, such a greeting of a new employee aims also to rise morale among employees. It strengthens the sense of belonging to the organization - an important aspect especially in the case of medium and large companies. It is worth taking care of a good impression among newly hired employees so that you do not have to look for other ones. Cruel but honest.

Employee introduction process – benefit system

As you can see, on-boarding is a possibility to build positive relationships and a favourable image of the company. Moreover, e-learning is a "tool" that will irreplaceably support the entire process and may even become its basis. What are the benefits of using e-learning during the introduction of new employees?

  1. Large scale. The prepared materials can be used many times, and thanks to e-learning the training can be performed remotely, regardless of the location and number of participants.
  2. Possibility to prepare well thought-out and thoroughly checked materials provide certainty that all the most important issues have been included. That way will be most beneficial for a company.
  3. Possibility to use the same materials, with small modifications to adapt them to the specifics of the position or branch.
  4. Time-efficiency. The training runs smoothly and does not require the participation of the management board, HR, or members of departments to which the new employees are to join.
  5. Savings in time and money. There is no need to involve trainers every time.
  6. Safety – materials and information contained in them are properly secured.
  7. Flexible training time allows for adjusting the convenient date and time for a newly hired. The entire process takes place remotely without the participation of key employees (e.g., the management board) and can be conducted, for example, at home, outside the set hours (e.g., 8:00 PM).

The way to achieve the above benefits is described later in the text. The possibilities of e-learning in the on-boarding process are best tested in practice. How to do it without formalities?

On-boarding in multi-branch companies

A well-planned and prepared on-boarding system is particularly important for medium and large companies.

Those that have several branches, located throughout the country or even in the world. It is impossible to effectively implement an employee between all locations in a traditional, direct way. The e-learning system supports it by allowing for sharing recordings and training materials to facilitate the introduction process.

Moreover, e-learning is a helpful solution for hiring people for higher positions. In the recruitment process, short statements of future supervisors are included with the use of webinar recording function. Once prepared, the statement may be made available to selected new employees.

Introduction of foreign employees - how to do it properly?

How does e-learning make it easier to introduce a foreign employee? The solution allows for precise planning and error-free content of introductory materials in each language. It provides a possibility to prepare a short speech of the employer in the native language of the newly hired person.

From a technical point of view, it is easier to prepare a short speech in a foreign language that can be corrected than to try to do it live. Graphic materials are prepared with the help of a translator to avoid possible language errors.

Ready-made templates can be used many times without a need to engage translators, which saves time and company finances.

Introduction of an already employed person to a new position or to another department

It is worth emphasizing that there are situations where a person who is already employed in the organization changes the position because companies are very often recruiting internally.

Moreover, sometimes it turns out that a person has skills useful in a different department. There is an option of promotions. In such a situation, it is necessary to properly introduce them into the specificity of a given position. Training for employees who change a position, department, location may include aspects such as:

  • rules applicable in another branch (e.g., other break hours),
  • new duties and privileges,
  • granting new permissions,
  • work on other tools or programs,
  • diverse ways of performing work.

In this case, an e-learning platform can also be useful. It will make the process of introducing already-employed person much easier.

Upgrading skills of new employees

When writing of promotions, it is not to omit the issue of training employees currently employed and the new ones. When the newly-hired are to have specific qualifications, it is worth giving them a dose of knowledge at the beginning of cooperation. Thanks to this, after just a few days or even hours, those people are ready to work effectively.

Thanks to the introduction on the e-learning platform, you will prepare internal training tailored to the company's needs. What is more, they can be conducted for a large group of people from different departments simultaneously. There is no need to visit individual branches in different locations.

Knowledge base. Learning at the beginning of cooperation

The e-learning system provides a possibility to create a comprehensive knowledge base containing all the necessary information.

Some positions are more demanding, therefore the kind of specific information centre is an invaluable help for new hires to quickly acquire relevant knowledge and undergo professional training.

Controlling the progress of new employees – data analysis

E-learning is not only focused on acquiring knowledge, but also on analysis of progress. The available reports contain a description of the education course of each person undergoing a given training.

The employer is provided information on progress, introduction stage, and achieved results. As a result, the employed persons have both qualifications and real-life business skills.

In addition, reports are saved, so the employer is able to return to individual data at any time and compare them with each other. 

In every day’s life, especially in large companies, it is impossible to check the knowledge of all newly hired employees alone. There are months when a vast number of new employees appear, therefore verifying their progress with the e-learning platform is a perfect solution.

Safety in the on-boarding process

Safety of the entire process is extremely important. To meet these expectations, one is able to differentiate access basing on employees' position. Thanks to this, only designated persons have access to confidential knowledge.

One of the most important trainings during the on-boarding process is the OHS, which is required at each workplace. It provides knowledge on how to perform work in accordance with the rules and without endangering the life or health of others.

The e-learning platform allows for reading the content of health and safety regulations and check the acquired knowledge. Obligatory passing of the test after completing the training gives the employer certainty that an employee actually has knowledge about safety in a given position. Thanks to the reporting option, it gains access to such information:

  • result after completing the test,
  • questions answered incorrectly (to what extent there is a need to train this person more),
  • whether there are problems with understanding the topic and whether a more detailed explanations on a given issue is needed.

Moreover, such a training can be prepared in different languages.

E-learning in on-boarding. How does it work?

The transfer of professional knowledge in the first days of work is especially important, so it should be a priority to take care of the form of knowledge transfer. The e-learning system enables creation of diverse training materials. What forms of communication does the e-learning platform offer?

  1. Training presentations - interactive transfer of information.
  2. Knowledge base that contains the most needed training materials.
  3. Graphic materials, posters, infographics, enabling the depiction of essential information.

These are the most popular ways of distance training, used during the process of on-boarding of new employees. However, recently there has been another option that is gaining popularity and recognition among HR specialists.

Webinars/video training

Recordings are a simple way to quickly convey information, and at the same time an interesting form of communication. Webinars in the on-boarding process are most often used to present the company, its building, branches, etc. in a more attractive way.

On the other hand, video can be used to record the speeches of the management board or HR specialists. It is most often used in the process of introducing employees to higher positions; however, it is gaining popularity in the process of on-boarding of all employees. Mainly because it builds a sense of belonging to the organization.

The video/webinar option offers features such as:

  • possibility of presenting and making available for download,
  • creating a virtual board,
  • ease of setting up surveys and tests for automatically receiving grades,
  • extensive reports and summaries.

To accurately describe how the e-learning platform works and how it can be used in practice when implementing new employees, we suggest using the DEMO version.

We will show you how the system works on a living organism.

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On-boarding - functional extensions to e-learning

On-boarding enriched with possibilities of e-learning is also an opportunity for the HR department to look at the company, or its individual branches from a distinct perspective. In large enterprises, the efficient control of all aspects of cooperation is really hard. A useful tool are surveys, which can enrich the on-boarding process.

The system allows for adding mandatory surveys at the end of the on-boarding process and the entire training introducing to the specifics of the new position. In this way, the collected information help to indicate areas where something needs to be improved, changed, or deleted.

Such a "fresh look" allows you to see more. It gives the possibility to improve introductory training to be more friendly and understandable for new employees. The information contained in the survey help to get to know the preferences of cooperation between new employees and the company.

Plan e-learning activities in the on-boarding process

While writing about extensions offered by the e-learning in the process of introducing new employees, it is worth mentioning theoretically simple extension, which at the same time facilitates the management of the on-boarding system - calendar.

Thanks to this module, all scheduled events or trainings will be automatically enrolled in the system. This function provides a possibility of avoiding errors and seeing the plan of introduction of new employees.

Moreover, the reminders of the upcoming date of the meeting make people not to forget about it. In addition to the described solution, it is possible to implement additional extensions that are tailored to the individual needs of a given customer. On our website there is a description of the most popular extensions.

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